gtag('config', 'UA-146424091-12'); Business Administration students won the second prize in the English Rhetoric contest and participated in English communication courses in the Philippines

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Business Administration students won the second prize in the English Rhetoric contest and participated in English communication courses in the Philippines

After going through the English Rhetoric Contest at Dong A University, competing with many talented competitors from different faculties, Vu Dieu Khanh, a student who came from BA18A2B class - Management Department, won the Second Prize. Ms. Khanh, along with the winning students in the contest, went to the Philippines with a full scholarship to participate in the English communication course for 4 weeks.

Student Vu Dieu Khanh at the "English Rhetoric" Contest

Dong A University students concentrate before departure time at the airport

Where students stay during study time

The first class in the Philippines of Dong A University students