gtag('config', 'UA-146424091-12'); PBG New Year Potluck Dinner

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No menu defined.

PBG New Year Potluck Dinner


Dear all,

We welcome all students to join us at the New Year Potluck Dinner;

The only requirement is to bring something to eat so we can share together as a big family.

The purpose of this Dinner is to celebrate “New Year 2014 – Year of Horse” together as PBG family and share memories of Tet holiday together.

We are going to have a competition in which attendances will make a 1-minute presentation about their dish and one more 1-minute presentation about Tet experience of their own or one certain nation. So, each of contestants will have 2 minutes to present their stories.

During this time, we will enjoy all delicious dishes, and at the end we are going to know who win the prizes “The best dish”, “The most impressive presentation” and “The best presentation”

Time: 5pm – 7pm, Saturday 1st March

Venue: Room B212, UDA.

Limited number of people: 30

Please take note

PBG will provide the drinks, cups and plates and some food (snacks)

You can bring food as an individual or team up and bring it as a group.

Register in the following link:

(Please don’t forget to register so we can have an estimation of how many people will assist to this show and participate in the competition)