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Project-based learning - Learning methods of the 21st century

In Project-based learning, learners go through a process of exploration and discovery to answer a question, a problem or a challenge that requires deep thinking given by the teacher. A project is planned to implement, manage, assess specifically, suitable for many learners, to help learners acquire important academic content, practice and develop skills of the 21st century (such as teamwork, communication and critical thinking) and achievements are real products, good presentations by the students themselves.

It has the following characteristics:

  • Focusing on important content. The goal of this method is to help students understand the main standards and concepts in training.
  • Requiring critical thinking, ability to solve problems, cooperate, communicate and exchange information. To get answers to the questions teachers make and create a quality product, learners need more thinking than memorizing information alone. Learners need to use higher-order thinking skills, learn how to work effectively in groups, listen to other people's opinions and make their opinions clear, able to read many documents, write or express yourself in different ways and give persuade presentations. These thinking skills and abilities are often known as the "skill set of the 21st century", because these are the prerequisites for success in the modern working environment of the 21st century.
  • Learners ask questions, seek answers and draw conclusions. This process leads learners to build an idea, a product, or a new form of expression.
  • Designed around a question that inspired ideas, this method focuses on learners' activities and depends on what they learn through the framework of important content, debates, challenges and problems.
  • Creating the need to understand essential content and skills. A standard lesson by Project-based learning method will be started by introducing knowledge and concepts. After the student has grasped the problem, there will be an opportunity to apply to specific projects.
  • Create opportunities for learners to express themselves, have a voice and make decisions. Learners learn to work independently and responsibly when making decisions. The opportunity to choose, show what you have learned in your own way also helps increase the learner's passion for learning.
  • Review and evaluate the process. Learners are asked to give and receive feedback to improve the quality of the products they create, think about what they have learned and how they receive knowledge.
  • Attracting the attention of the community. Students present their achievements to classmates, teachers or online. This stimulates students to improve the quality of their products, as well as improve product copyright and fraud prevention in this method of learning.

If we are serious about achieving the educational goals of the century, Project-based learning methods will certainly be the focus of 21st century education and training. The project runs from the beginning and follows the content framework of subjects. It is different from small exercises or activities added in traditional teaching methods. Project-based learning is the main component, not just a part of training activities.

Why Project-based learning?

This method helps build practical working skills and form long-term study habits. This learning method also allows students to solve communication problems, explore career opportunities, interact with experienced advisors, use technology and show their project results. For everyone, it's not just confined to the classroom context. In addition, Project-based learning also motivates students who feel that schools are boring and meaningless.

How to apply Project-based learning?

Some teachers apply Project-based learning extensively as their subject organization and training methods. Others use Project-based learning several times during the school year. Projects are diverse in terms of execution time, maybe for a few days to a few weeks, even for a semester. Project-based learning is effective for all levels of education, all subjects, technical / vocational education, tutoring after class and other equivalent educational activities.
