gtag('config', 'UA-146424091-12'); The 5th Activity of PBG

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The 5th Activity of PBG

PBG is pleased to announce the 5th Activity of our club. Free and open to all students.

We are trying to collect old clothes from students and teachers.  All clothes donated should be gathered at B312, Faculty of Economics and Tourism,  and then PBG members will send them to Quang Chau Pagoda, Hoa Chau, Hoa Vang, Danang where there are so many orphans.

Time: 9am, Saturday, 14th June, 2014.

Place: in front of UDA gate

Simultaneously, we would like to announce the Writing Contest – it is an opportunity for all students to show their opinions and writing talent in English.

The Topic of the Contest is “Business and Community Responsibility”.

You can write about your experience in participating community activities and your perspective about relationship between Business and Community Responsibility.

Contestants have the chance to win one of  3 cash prizes:

  • 1st- place Award: 400K VND + certificate of merit
  • 2nd – place Award: 250K VND + certificate of merit
  • 3rd- place Award: 100K VND + certificate of merit

Contest Rules:

  • Writing in English with 200 – 300 words.
  • Your writing will be accepted from 14th June to 19th June, 2014. Please send your file in PDF format to the email with the Subject: PBG Writing Contest.
  • Contest winners will be announced at the next activity in July – “Farewell party”. Winners’ writings will be uploaded in the website of Faculty of Economics and Tourism.

Welcome all of you in this activity!