gtag('config', 'UA-146424091-12'); The event welcomed college freshmen in the 18th Faculty of Business Administration

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The event welcomed college freshmen in the 18th Faculty of Business Administration

A very special event to welcome more than 170 college freshmen of the Faculty of Business Administration of Dong A University, let's check in Location amusement Asia Park

Welcome all college freshmen of the Faculty of  Business Administration

Please quickly register at this link…/1u4szf4if5CVHvffPZp2R5dWBoFz…/edit

Short trip to Asian Park

The program is expected

  1. 14h00
  2. Focus on the main gate of Asia Park
  3. Wearing a ribbon on the right wrist according to the color of each class was received earlier
  4. Deploying centralized location information to eat and drink at 17:00
  5. 14:30: Line up at the gate
  6. 15:00 - 17:00: Have fun playing in groups, take photos of check-ins with friends and teachers
  7. 17:00: Concentrate according to the location announced to eat and drink
  8. 18:00: End of the program